Sofia Stepanyan

Applied Scientist


I am an applied scientist with core competencies in statistical modeling, inference, data analysis, data visualization, quantitative and qualitative research methodologies. I am passionate about applying my expertise to promote data-driven decision making backed by sound science, extracting key insights that improve operational efficiency and customer experience, designing and implementing quantitative and qualitative studies, as well as publishing, presenting, and disseminating research findings.

Holding a doctoral degree in developmental psychology, I currently collaborate with other researchers and practitioners to design, implement, and evaluate early childhood programs and policies that improve the quality of life for children, families, and communities across the United States.

selected publications

  1. NLM.NIH
    Do I Look Gawky? The Association between Pubertal Asynchrony and Peer Victimization
    National Library of Medicine, 2021
  2. book.gif
    Litigator’s Handbook of Forensic Medicine, Psychiatry, and Psychology